Tag: Weekend Getaway

Weekend Getaway: Zion National Park

Weekend Getaway: Zion National Park

This was such a bittersweet holiday for us: one of my best friends, Christina, was leaving California to head back home to New York, and this was our way of celebrating. We loaded into, our friend, Kevin’s car around 23.30 and hit the road! We 

Weekend Getaway: London

Weekend Getaway: London

I have finally gone to London. And I loved it. No wonder so many people, from all around the world move here: it’s cozy yet international, brisk yet it leaves you with a warm feeling (maybe it’s the mulled wine). A number of people recommend 

Weekend Getaway: Antwerp, Belgium

Weekend Getaway: Antwerp, Belgium

It was Nick’s last weekend visiting me in Europe so we decided to head down to Antwerp in Belgium. After a long, traffic- filled drive from Friesland to just east of the city, we were all settled into our AirBnB and ready to find some 

Weekend Getaway: Oktoberfest in Munich!

Weekend Getaway: Oktoberfest in Munich!

My dad came to visit! He had been planning this trip since February and it was finally here! I met up with him in Amsterdam on Friday evening, we jumped on a flight to Munich and were settled into our hotel by 23.00! Which meant 

Summer Holiday: Venice, Italy

Summer Holiday: Venice, Italy

The last leg of my summer holiday was spent frolicking around the (supposedly) most romantic city: Venice. With the same friend I was with in San Marino, we traveled to Venice and settled into our hotel. The next day we spent the whole day wandering 

Weekend Getaway: Amsterdam

Weekend Getaway: Amsterdam

Although I live in Friesland, I’m in the capitol quite a bit. I travel there to meet up with those who are visiting me from the states, to wander through the many museums Amsterdam has to offer, to wander around aimlessly with newly found friends, 

Weekend Getaway: Algarve, Portugal

Weekend Getaway: Algarve, Portugal

No offense to the Netherlands but the pretty common clouds and rain are getting to me. I left San Diego knowing that I would miss the weather and the beach but I didn’t understand how much of an impact it would have on my well- 

Weekend Getaway: Utrecht

Weekend Getaway: Utrecht

I LOVE UTRECHT. Like really. It’s a lot like Amsterdam but it’s also completely different. Have you been to Amsterdam? It’s wonderful. It’s an amazing European capitol. It’s vibrant and fun and busy and there’s so much to see. But it isn’t fully Dutch. It’s 

My Mom Came to Visit!

My Mom Came to Visit!

Four months in and I wasn’t as homesick I was thought I would be, but I did miss my family terribly. Which is why I was so excited for my mom to come visit at the end of April! We had a relaxed itinerary: she