Tag: sun

Summer Holiday: Corfu, Greece

Summer Holiday: Corfu, Greece

August 11th and my holiday was beginning! I had a 05.30 flight Friday morning and a desire to take the train the night before so I wouldn’t 1) miss my flight (it’s happened) and 2) pay a buttload in parking at Schiphol. Hence, why my 

Weekend Getaway: Algarve, Portugal

Weekend Getaway: Algarve, Portugal

No offense to the Netherlands but the pretty common clouds and rain are getting to me. I left San Diego knowing that I would miss the weather and the beach but I didn’t understand how much of an impact it would have on my well- 

A Day in Ghent, Belgium

A Day in Ghent, Belgium

Next up on our mother daughter trip: Ghent. It’s a really cute city that’s much more modern than Bruges is: there was vast shopping options, Starbucks was in the center, there were tons of tourists wandering around. There was even a general strike while we were 

My Mom Came to Visit!

My Mom Came to Visit!

Four months in and I wasn’t as homesick I was thought I would be, but I did miss my family terribly. Which is why I was so excited for my mom to come visit at the end of April! We had a relaxed itinerary: she