Tag: Walking

Weekend Getaway: Oktoberfest in Munich!

Weekend Getaway: Oktoberfest in Munich!

My dad came to visit! He had been planning this trip since February and it was finally here! I met up with him in Amsterdam on Friday evening, we jumped on a flight to Munich and were settled into our hotel by 23.00! Which meant 

Summer Holiday: San Marino

Summer Holiday: San Marino

It was 07.00 and I was finally able to get off the ferry I was trapped on for 12hours. I hardly slept and when I did it was an awful, sitting-in-an-airplane-chair kind of sleep. I was beyond ready to get off that boat. (Side note: 

Summer Holiday: Corfu, Greece

Summer Holiday: Corfu, Greece

August 11th and my holiday was beginning! I had a 05.30 flight Friday morning and a desire to take the train the night before so I wouldn’t 1) miss my flight (it’s happened) and 2) pay a buttload in parking at Schiphol. Hence, why my 

Weekend Getaway: Amsterdam

Weekend Getaway: Amsterdam

Although I live in Friesland, I’m in the capitol quite a bit. I travel there to meet up with those who are visiting me from the states, to wander through the many museums Amsterdam has to offer, to wander around aimlessly with newly found friends, 

Weekend Getaway: Algarve, Portugal

Weekend Getaway: Algarve, Portugal

No offense to the Netherlands but the pretty common clouds and rain are getting to me. I left San Diego knowing that I would miss the weather and the beach but I didn’t understand how much of an impact it would have on my well- 

Weekend Getaway: Utrecht

Weekend Getaway: Utrecht

I LOVE UTRECHT. Like really. It’s a lot like Amsterdam but it’s also completely different. Have you been to Amsterdam? It’s wonderful. It’s an amazing European capitol. It’s vibrant and fun and busy and there’s so much to see. But it isn’t fully Dutch. It’s 

My Mom Came to Visit!

My Mom Came to Visit!

Four months in and I wasn’t as homesick I was thought I would be, but I did miss my family terribly. Which is why I was so excited for my mom to come visit at the end of April! We had a relaxed itinerary: she 

A Day in Giethoorn

A Day in Giethoorn

Otherwise referred to as The Venice of the North (along with at least 10 other northern European cities), this Dutch town is so quaint we felt like we were walking into a fairytale. My mom and I went to Giethoorn as a day trip while