Tag: Summer Holiday

Summer Holiday: Venice, Italy

Summer Holiday: Venice, Italy

The last leg of my summer holiday was spent frolicking around the (supposedly) most romantic city: Venice. With the same friend I was with in San Marino, we traveled to Venice and settled into our hotel. The next day we spent the whole day wandering 

Summer Holiday: Croatia

Summer Holiday: Croatia

Getting into Croatia I left Kotor, Montenegro at 08.30 on a bus headed into Croatia; we would be in Dubrovnik at about 10.30, or so I thought. I snatched a window seat so I could watch us leave beautiful Montenegro, and I was not disappointed. All along 

Summer Holiday 2016: Albania

Summer Holiday 2016: Albania

Okay, I just want to start off by saying that Albania was my favorite country this trip. It’s gorgeous and the people are lovely; I felt like I had the most authentic experience here. Exploring Saranda So, we docked in Saranda- a wonderful seaside town- and I 

Summer Holiday: Corfu, Greece

Summer Holiday: Corfu, Greece

August 11th and my holiday was beginning! I had a 05.30 flight Friday morning and a desire to take the train the night before so I wouldn’t 1) miss my flight (it’s happened) and 2) pay a buttload in parking at Schiphol. Hence, why my